Qianlong Jade Boulder

Qianlong Jade Boulder

This Spring, Tennants Auctioneers are delighted to be offering for sale a fine and rare Chinese Celadon Jade Inscribed ‘Luohan’ Boulder from the Qianlong reign with its original hardwood stand. It will be sold as part of a Private Collection of Asian Art and European Antiques in the Spring Fine Art Sale on 16th March.

The boulder, which is offered with an estimate of £70,000-100,000 plus buyer’s premium, depicts Luohan Ańgaja sitting cross-legged in a rocky grotto, holding sutra (writings), walking stick and prayer beads.

Inscribed on the boulder are the Imperial seal marks and the Imperial eulogy to Ańgaja, which can be translated as:
“Wearing a hundred-patch robe and leaning on a proper bamboo staff, his Vedic ritual texts in a bookcase, he stares at his akshamalika straight across his chest. What he has remembered is not nothing, although there are no words for it”.

The Boulder was purchased on 25th November 1955 from Trollope & Sons, London Ltd of West Halkin Street, Belgravia.


Spring Fine Sale, 16 March at 9.30am

Viewing: Sunday 10 March - Friday 15 March 11am-4pm, and morning of sale from 8am
Buyer's premium:24.0% + VAT (28.8% in total)

Please note there will be no internet bidding on lots 1-10 and bidders on these lots will be required to provide proof of identification and a deposit of £1,000. Registration for commission and telephone bidding on lots 1-10 will close on Wednesday 13th March at 12 noon. To register please email enquiry@tennants-ltd.co.uk  You are welcome to attend the auction to bid in person.


今年春天,坦能拍卖行很高兴将出售一件精美且稀有的乾隆时期中国青瓷玉刻罗汉巨石,并配有原来的硬木架。它将作为亚洲艺术和欧洲古董私人收藏的一部分在 3 月 16 日的春季艺术品拍卖会上出售。

这块巨石估价为 70,000 至 100,000 英镑(另加买家佣金),描绘的是安加拉汉盘腿坐在岩洞中,手里拿着经文、一根手杖和念珠。


春季特卖,3 月 16 日上午 9:30


这次拍卖的1-10号拍品不支持互联网竞拍。这些拍品的竞拍者将需要提供身份证明和1000英镑的押金。对1-10号拍品的佣金和电话竞标的注册将于3月13日星期三中午12点截止。请通过电子邮件注册,发送至 enquiry@tennants-ltd.co.uk。您可以亲临现场参加拍卖竞标。